Monday, October 25, 2010

My Journey with the American Cancer Society by Kimberly McAdams, Managing Director - Talent Development

It was March of 1996, and I had been looking for a job for about a month. In the fog of my father’s funeral (he died at the age of 52 from cancer) I got the call that began my career. I had applied to many positions in Tucson, AZ, one of them a generic “event manger” for non-profit. I remember the afternoon and the call like it was yesterday. “Hi, I’m calling in reference to a resume you submitted for event manager. The position is with the American Cancer Society, does the position still interest you?”… “Yes of course” were my muted and stunned words. About 2 weeks later they offered me the position of Major Gifts Manager and I started my career with ACS in April 1996. Two mergers, several promotions, 2 children and many lives (both saved and lost) have occurred since that day. Each day I am grateful to come for work for this amazing organization. Some will tell you I’m from the generation that “jumps around” professionally. (Gen-X) I would be lying if I didn’t admit to thinking about leaving in the first years of my career with ACS. However, there are several key things that drew me back in each time and they are important to why I and others have found both a career and a passion at the American Cancer Society. I want to share them with you: • The people: staff and volunteer at the American Cancer Society are dedicated to excellence in business and passionate about saving lives. I have found amazing mentors in every job. Trusted friends in every office. Dedicated volunteers at every activity. After 14 years, I still meet the most remarkable people. The staff and volunteers I am privileged to work with create a culture of caring and accomplishment that is unmatched anywhere! • Change: you never know what is around the next corner. If we were still trying to beat cancer the way we started in 1913 we’d be out of business. But we’re not. We’re innovative and creative. The aging population, changing medical technology, emerging cancer information and a growing global community the American Cancer Society has to be dynamic to be sustainable. And we are. I tell new staff all the time “you never know what is in store for the organization in the next 12 months. If you are open to it and participate in your career – the opportunities are limitless.” • Credible: we are scrutinized and analyzed from charity watch groups and our donors carefully. Our staff and volunteers are in the media with cancer information, fundraising activities and advocacy consistently. As a non-profit corporation, the American Cancer Society balances conservative values and thoughtful approaches with aggressive innovation and creative inspiration to achieve our goals. It’s fun! • Cancer: since joining the American Cancer Society I have been touched by cancer again and again. Some survivors, some memories. Most recently my mom. She is a living example of what research and innovation can do to save lives. At the age of 63 she is a 2 time cancer survivor. I am proud to be working for an organization that invests in the type of research and innovation (not to mention services and information) that saves lives today and will continue to save more lives each day. • Career: in my 14 + years at the American Cancer Society I have fulfilled every career goal. I worked a part-time while staying at home as a mother for my sons, I raised money and raised awareness in Tucson, AZ and I helped staff and volunteers achieve more through training, development and coaching. I work hard, long hours and go home early to catch a soccer game (even coach soccer games). I travel to cool places and get home to cook dinner. I learn new tricks and practice old ones. I meet new people and cherish life-long friends. I cry, I laugh, I think and reflect. In short I am fulfilling my life while helping to save lives – what could be better than that?

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